Sunday, February 10, 2013

love is all around you if you take the time to silence your mind and listen to your heart! things are falling into place for me and exactly what i need  appears to me either in life or online...try basic meditation and gratitude

start there

Thursday, September 6, 2012

love love love

if you fill your days with love you will have an amazing day! i try to see through the eyes of my son he seems to love every little thing.  even when i hear something i do not like or things do not go my way i can turn to him for a new outlook on life and how to love more.  children are such a blessing allowing us to learn again to think as we once did in our youth

Saturday, September 1, 2012

life is difficult love is simple?

this is so matter what i always love and forgive everyone.  my sons father treats me badly at times by ignoring me and not spendign time with our son and not helping with his financial needs.  no matte what i forgive him and love him uncondtionaly.  we are not dating and do not live together.  at times it hurst my heart but i always remember God wants me to forgive him and love him anyways.  trust me at times it is hard but life is definately hard, but love is the simple.  if  you lose love and do not forgive people and hold grudges you are only hurting yourself.  by dwelling on the negative and be in misery you are losing your loving self.  i have to walk away and stay away from him for awhile when i need to.  this way i do not intentionally allow myself to be hurt.  now there are times he is the most amazing man and father and those times i remember and cherish.  there are also time i hurt him.  i am human and not perfect either.  so i take it in with a grain of salt and i pray.  i expect nothing from him and i do not expect him to change, i accept him how he is and love him for who he is not what he does.  deep down his soul is gentle and loving. his life is stressful as is everyones. i cherish the good and forgive the bad.  now i am a recovering addict so i cannot allow myself to be hurt too bad from him as it will risk my sobreity.  i recently helped him with court, literally saved his life and have done so much to show him my love.  which i chose to do out of love.  i have thought about moving in for our son so we can be a family?  the thing is he doesnt work, he doesnt cook, clean, or anything really.  the problem i am realizing is that i am finally getting me time because my son started preschool and i get 4 hours a day for myself.  now his father is like a big kid, that i would have to take care of, more work for me? well i just do not want that for me and i am going to be selfish for now and say no.  if maybe he shows me that he appreciates the things i do, is willing to help out and put in some effort i would reconsider.  so i will continue loving life and enjoying it to the fullest!  love and forgive always and forever.  i guess i needed to get all that off my chest, thanks for listening

Saturday, June 9, 2012

loving children

there are many kids in my neighbor hood who do not have much and play outside all day.  i went out and brought some books and read them many stories.  they sat quietly and loved it.  i next gave them a snack!  it was a rewarding loving experience that made my heart glow.  is there any little thing you can do to brighten someones day?  it will brighten yours too

Thursday, June 7, 2012

random acts of kindness daily

Today i washed both dogs at my moms house without anyone asking, actually no one was even there.  So when my mom gets home she will be surprised! I also folded someone elses laundary.  Doing these random acts of kindness without any expectations or reward or even acknowledgement really makes my heart happy.  It also should make the person i did it for happy as well.  So today i sent out some great love vibrations into the universe making a better place.  Even a smile can change the world.  Do the same and try one act of kindness randomly everyday! you can change the world!

My wolf and mole animal spirit guides

I have had many run ins with the mole and wolf lately.  I saw 2 dead moles and at first did not think of them as being spiritual signs but they were.  so i looked up the mole and was glad i did.  It showed me moles are diggers and searching constantly..which i have been doing!  And to trust your senses, especially touch!  Also lessons of grounding and reaching for a goal.  Its surprising everytime i check an animal out and how closely related to me it is at that time of my life.

Next i looked up the wolf and this is what i found on a web page:

Because wolf is a teacher and pathfinder, he comes when we need guidance in our lives. Those who have a Wolf Totem will move on to teach others about sacredness and spirituality. Wolf can also teach how to balance the responsibility of family needs and not to lose one's personal identity.

Wolf teaches us to develop strength and confidence in our decisions. He shows we will learn to trust our insights once we learn how to value our inner voice. This wisdom keeps us from inappropriate action. If wolf appears in your life examine where you need to develop more confidence and if you need more balance between friends, family, and yourself.

If you read that and see my blog and the webpage i am starting you will see how amazingly accurate and true this is!

I hope i help you find your truth and spirituality!

Love is all you need